Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some more favorites

I've already posted some trance, a couple instrumentals, and a couple Zelda remixes, so I might as well post some classic rock. Everyone knows Pink Floyd, Queen, Led Zepplin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, countless others. I thought I'd post three songs that I wish would be played on some of my local stations. These are big name rock artists, but they don't get nearly as much attention as many others, or are known for only a handful of songs.

I should hope that everyone has at least heard of Meat Loaf, but I know of several who haven't, and several others who have but thought he was a joke/not real artist because of the name. It saddens me. Bat Out of Hell is truly a classic.

This by Ted Nugent, known mainly for Cat-Scratch Fever. I have actually heard this played on the radio once or twice in the past year. I think it has a sick beat to it, pretty badass.

Peter Frampton is great. Random fact: Peter Frampton went to school with David Bowie, and at age 11 was part of band managed by Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones.


  1. Never new Frampton went to school with David Bowie, that's nuts. It makes you wonder where people would be if they didn't end up with some of the connections they encounter.

  2. I love you. Haha. Such great music.

  3. Meat Loaf, Frampton, and Nugent on the same page. There is much rocking to be had here.

  4. 1986 called, it wants its music back

  5. To -M:

    Some music is timeless. Rebecca Black is modern, doesn't mean she's good.

  6. 2nd coffee of the day and I'm heading for the caffeine+sugar rage

  7. Great choice to share! especially the last one put me on floor, i can't stop listening this.

  8. Wasn't meatloaf killed in Rocky Horror Picture Show? and Fight Club? okay, i'm leaving now.

  9. Remember when people made music? I guess so, since this was about the last time it happened.

  10. Meat Loaf is really awesome.. everyone listening to rock should at least listened to this single song

  11. looooooooooooooooooove meat loaf

  12. god bless your meat loaf post.

  13. I met Ted Nugent a couple years ago. What a crazy guy lol.

  14. It was fun going through and listening to those songs. It reminded me of my dad and when I would listen to music with him as a kid. :D
