Thursday, March 17, 2011

Since people seemed to like the trailers I had posted of Game of Thrones, I thought they might like to see a few character bios/scenes from the series. There are many more, with the link at the end of this post, but here are my four of my favorite characters.

Tyrion Lannister

Arya Stark

Jon Snow

Eddard "Ned" Stark

More can be found at . For those who haven't read A Game of Thrones, it really is one of the best things you can read. School had killed my interest in reading by senior year of highschool, too many repeat reads (Hamlet/Romeo and Juliet, I'm looking at you [I still like Hamlet though]), too much bullshit with symbolism and what the author is trying to say, not just reading the damned book, and drawing your own conclusions. Looking at the formula instead of getting lost in the story. As somebody who read LotR in 6th grade, I have to say that the A Song of Ice and Fire series blows it out of the water in terms of story, characters, and politics. LotR had many cool things about it, and was better in a few of it's own, such as the depth and lengths he went to in order to create languages and entire histories for the characters, but outside of Gandalf falling in Moria, the books rarely had me emotionally involved. A Game of Thrones, and the rest of the ASoIaF has definitely given me the most visceral reactions I have ever had to events in a book, and as such, I would highly recommend reading before watching the series in April. 

Also, yes, Ned Stark is played by Sean Bean, the guy who played Boromir/the villain in National Treasure/Alec Trevelyan from GoldenEye.


  1. One does not simply rock into Mordor.

  2. I have never heard of these books so thanks for the info. I've read enough fantasy books though to be honest. Have you tried the Sword of Shannara series?

  3. To Craptcha Carry:

    The Sword of Shannara series? Several fans of fantasy books I know had sighed/rolled their eyes at the thought of me reading Terry Brooks. I have read the first three, the Scions of Shannara, the voyages of the Jerle Shannara, and the first of the modern books that are supposed to be the apocalyptic events that transforms the modern world into the world of magic in the Shannara series.

    Honestly, as somebody who loved the series when I read it(Allanon was the shit), it doesn't hold a light to ASoIaF imo. I have little interest in rereading those, though they did very much entertain me for several years. This is much more...real. There is little magic actually seen in the first several books. George RR Martin specifically doesn't want it to be the focus, or a crutch his series has to rely on. Few of the characters were very interesting in the Shannara series imo, though the several that were, were awesome. All the characters in this series are very multi-dimensional. Except Cercie Lannister. She's just a cunt.

  4. Wow this post sold it for me i think imma look into read those

  5. Sounds pretty cool might try them

  6. Man I wish Sean Bean would get more work always liked him. but hate that he always gets cast a the stereotypical villain.

  7. I enjoy my fantasy books, so will have hunt these books down.

  8. I really HATED Sansa! If it weren't for her, her father would have lived.... Finally glad to see someone who loves a song of ice and fire just as much as me! Didn't even realize about the movie, been waiting for the 5th book to come out. Followed for sure!

  9. ooo very nice. will have to give these a look at next time im in a book shop

  10. have to check those out, sounds interesting

  11. What channel is Thrones gonna be on again?

  12. the one about stark was actually very interesting and funny in a way

  13. Nice blog, check out mine.

    + follower

  14. Love the background too!

    NIce videos!

  15. Hey, thanks for the link, glad you liked them :)

  16. Great videos, I didn't see these videos before, I'm looking forward to this show. I'm glad HBO is doing it, they can probably give the series the most justice.

  17. Thanks for sharing, I just ordered the books myself and now I'm pretty excited to read them!
